Fernando Valenzuela, a very famous Mexican

Ancient American Alexander R. Pembrooke, 84, retired gospel singer, pipe-smoking trout fisherman and stock-market survivor, retains an insatiable appetite for information. He selected our south-of-the-border adventure for 20 Questions, then tacked on “Who is the most famous Mexican?” My fumbling, bumbling, stumbling answer advertised my weakness in history and made the quiz sound like multiple-choice. […]

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Marianne's home in Chapala

Linking up with the Chapala Lakeside: to rent or buy?

Once upon a time, in the previous century, an old journalist and his still-beautiful bride were pondering retirement and escape from Washington, D.C. They had roots and land on the original TVA lake in Tennessee and that was going to be home, sweet home for spring, summer and football season. But Tennessee winters can be […]

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