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We have archived some of the most interesting, useful, and/or popular posts from our old forums. The full list of saved threads is available by clicking here: Forum Archives
As a preview, here are some of the available threads:
Posted by alex in TJ on Mayo 02, 2000 HOUSING: There are two nice areas of Tijuana. Playas de Tijuana is the little strip between the Ensenada toll road and the ocean. The other is near the American Consulate north of Aguas Calientes and is more centrally located. Rents run $350 to $400 per month, so […] sergiogomez / Moderator / Jan 7, 2009 Puns are the staple of Mexican humor. People use them on a daily basis, and these puns, or albures, are almost always sexual jokes or disguised insults. Sometimes they consist of words with two (or more) meanings. Sometimes they are phrases whose meaning changes depending on where you […] Posted by Jean on Enero 18, 2001 1. It shall be excluded from the family insurance: the holder of the family insured, the additional beneficiary or member, if the have: Any pre-existing disease, such as malign tumors, cronic degenerated diseases, such as delayed complications of mellitus diabetes, disease (gaucher disease), cronic diseases on liver, cronical […]Living/Crossing Tijuana/San Diego
Albures, or Dirty Spanish 101
IMSS Insurance Terms & Conditions
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