What was Mexico like 70 years ago?
G. M. Bashford’s Tourist Guide to Mexico was first published exactly seventy years ago in 1954. It was one of a spate of motoring book guides written after World War II as Americans began to hit the open road and drive south in search of sunshine and adventure. How much has Mexico really changed in […]
The Pacific route to the Orient
This page is number 7 of seven pages on MexConnect which come originally from the website of CEDEX (Center for Historic Studies of Public Works and Town Planning) in Madrid, Spain. (Links to the other six pages are provided at the end of the article). The pages reflect an exhibition organized by CEDEX in 1988, […]

Dynamic women of Acapulco
Acapulco easily can boast of some dynamic, talented and interesting women residents. Among these is Dolores Olmedo Patiño, a foremost patron of the arts of Mexico and a tremendous promoter of the culture of her beloved native land. Diego Rivera, Mexico´s most celebrated artist and muralist, first met Dolores Olmedo when she was only 11, […]

The sunniest Acapulco
Acapulco is world-renowned for its lovely beaches and year-round sunshine. It is the most popular tourist resort on the west coast of Mexico. For sure, more celebrities visit this charming city than any other in Mexico. Its reputation is well deserved. But today, a first-time visitor to this Mexican “Jewel” might well pose the question, […]
Acapulco: Twenty-one hints
I have had a vacation home in Acapulco since 1991, and love the city. There are many unknown opportunities there, and some pitfalls to avoid. There are things you can assume, and things you should not assume. YOU CANNOT ASSUME THAT ACAPULCO IS JUST AN OLDER VERSION OF CANCUN Cancun was created about thirty years […]