Retire in Mexico: Live Better for Less by Dru Pearson

articles Books & Authors Living, Working, Retiring

Reviewed by Alan Cogan

Cogan’s Reviews

Here’s a volume that’s aimed very accurately at a specific target audience – namely, people who want more information about retiring in Mexico. Author Dru Pearson has done an excellent job of researching and compiling almost everything anyone needs to know about adopting this country as a place to spend one’s leisure years, either part-time or full-time. I can’t think of any important topic that isn’t covered here. Also, while it isn’t the first book of this type to become available, I think it’s the first – to my knowledge, at least, to be strictly computer accessible. You can’t go out and purchase a hard copy but at least you have it available to you from where you’re sitting right now.

The book kicks off with a review of those places where we gringos have tended to congregate over the last few decades with a good discussion of the most popular five -Guadalajara, Lake Chapala, San Miguel de Allende, Oaxaca and the Pacific beaches. Ms Pearson obviously has visited all of them and gives the reader a thorough rundown on each one.

What follows is a good account of all aspects of living and succeeding south of the border..

You’ll find many sources of information about this country. Some 26 websites are listed. These include the most general ones, such as MexConnect but also include specialized ones covering items such as campgrounds and mercados (markets). There’s even a couple that apply just to Canadians. I didn’t do a count of how many websites are listed in total throughout Ms. Pearson’s book but there are a lot more than those 26 I’m mentioning here. I’m going to check out a few of them myself.

Here’s a list of just some of the topics you’ll find thoroughly discussed throughout:

– The pros and cons of acquiring FM-3’s and/or Tourist Visas.

– An interesting list of items you can’t (or shouldn’t) bring to Mexico.

– The pros and cons of women traveling solo in Mexico.

– How to move here – i.e. packing, shipping and transporting your belongings.

– The various procedures involved in crossing the border.

– Driving in Mexico – toll roads, coping with accidents, police, mordida (bribes), etc.

– Finding and choosing a place to live.

– Housing – renting or buying or other options.

– The rules and regulations for employing and dealing with a maid and gardener.

– Cost of living. Typical costs for a range of items and services.

– Buying utilities and necessities such as gas, telephone, electricity, propane, drinking water, etc..

– Shopping for food – supermarkets, mercados and local stores.

– Medical and dental care. Medical insurance. The IMSS. Doctors and hospitals.

– Quality of life…

– ….and much much more.

All of this information is presented clearly and fully explained in a way that anyone would find easy to understand.

Back in February I reviewed a similar book, “Head for Mexico” by Don Adams. It covers much the same ground as “Retire in Mexico”. I’m not going to get into comparing the two volumes. Quite frankly, I find them both absolutely excellent at accomplishing what they set out to do and in aiming so directly at their intended audience. My advice to anyone contemplating coming here to live or simply to check it out as a retirement haven would be to get hold of both volumes. After all, you’re probably going to make one of those major life-decisions and you need all the help you can get.

There seem to be a substantial number people who are contemplating coming here to live or at least to checking the place out as a retirement haven. My own e-mail, as a result of writing for MexicoConnect, suggests that there are lots of people with lots of questions about life in this country. The advice they’re going to get from me from now on is to at least go to the internet and check out Dru Pearson’s excellent book.

In my humble O: A real winner! Five stars!

Retire in Mexico: Live Better For Less
by Dru Pearson

Retire in Mexico – Live Better for Less Money is available from Amazon Books: Paperback

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Published or Updated on: July 15, 2004 by Alan Cogan © 2008
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