Mexican trout with garlic sauce: Trucha al mojo de ajo

articles Food & Cuisine Recipes

Karen Hursh Graber

Al mojo de ajo literally means drenched with garlic, and Mexican trout with garlic sauce is just that. Sometimes fish prepared al mojo de ajo comes with unappetizingly large chunks of garlic, but taking the time to lightly sauté crushed garlic makes a big difference.


4 small trout, cleaned, scaled and split horizontally, or 4 to 6 ounce trout filets Juice of 1 lime 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons butter 6 large cloves garlic, crushed to a puree in a garlic crusher Salt to taste

Open the trout like a book and rub the flesh (or filets) with the lime juice and set aside while the garlic mixture is being prepared.

Heat the oil and butter over medium-high heat, add the garlic puree and cook, stirring, for a few seconds, or just until fragrant. Add salt to taste.

Place each trout or filet on a piece of buttered aluminum foil and spread the garlic mixture evenly over the fleshy surfaces.

Fold foil to seal edges and bake in a preheated 350° F oven until fish flakes easily with a fork. Whole fish will take longer than filets. Makes 4 servings.

Link to source article
Dining on trout in Mexico’s mountains

Published or Updated on: April 18, 2013 by Karen Hursh Graber © 2013
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