About San Miguel

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Discussion Thread Forum

Posted by Soren on January 26, 1998

I am curious about this place. I have heard it described in relation to the gringos at least, as a rather bitchy art colony but students come and go. What is the nature of the more permanent expat community?? Can any help?

Regards, Soren

Posted by geri on January 27, 1998

I lived in San Miguel for six weeks last winter. It is a charming town with many cultural events, i.e. art openings, films, theater, in English. I didn’t integrate into the English speaking community a whole lot, but there seems to be some of what you describe. There is also a core of caring people (women) who are helping Mexican women in the ranchos by teaching them crafts. I guess, as in any town, you’ll find various segments and will be able to find the place you feel comfortable. I chose Oaxaca for this winter, since I want to learn Spanish and there are fewer English-speaking expats here, so temptation to speak only English is less.

Posted by Peggy on January 27, 1998

San Miguel Allende is a town that can give the impression as being a real EX-PAT colony…but after having been there time and time again I believe it has a lot to offer despite the impressions…it took me a while to see past this and there are lovely folk in and around…both Mexican and Foreign. Peg.

Posted by jennifer rose on January 26, 1998

Not all of San Miguel de Allende’s permanent residents are former directors of the Santa Fe Art Museum. In the October 1997 issue of The Mexico File, David Simmonds presents an accurate portrayal of the expat community.

Published or Updated on: January 26, 1998 by Discussion Thread Forum © 2009
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