Area around the Colima volcano

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Posted by dave on Mayo 04, 2000

Can anyone tell me what the area is like around the Colima volcano? I am interested in learning if there are any small villages, lakes and nice valleys around the area where one might buy a piece of property and spend the summers at a higher altitude. Are there any RV parks and where are they and what are their names? How far are Morelia and Colima from the volcano? Thanks!

Posted by Jeff Pearson on Mayo 06, 2000

I haven’t spent a lot of time in this area, but have been twice to nearby Tamazula de Gordiano in southern Jalisco. When I was there two years ago, Volcan de Fuego was putting on quite a show. There were warning signs on the plaza in Tamazula explaining the hazard level. My friends in Tamazula tell me that the lower slopes of the mountain are lovely. But the hazards from eruptions are real. I’d give it some thought before moving there permanently.

Posted by David Eidell on Mayo 06, 2000

The Volcan de Fuego vents periodic eruptions to the East. The State Capitol of Colima lies to the west (15 miles) of the volcano and its dormant twin, Nevado de Colima. The AAA roadmap of Mexico shows almost all of the smaller villages. I don’t think that you’re going to find much in the way of developed housing above 4,000-ft altitude. Rural roads in the area tend to be third class tracks. There is one camping RV park (tiny) on the edge of Colima city. It is a day’s drive from Colima to Morelia. Hope this helps.

+ + + +

Map of Colima and volcanic area leading me to consider titling the series ‘Under the Volcano’ as a play on the original title of book by Malcolm Lowry. Because everywhere I went there was this huge sign with the three lights red, yellow and green. So naturally I asked everyone, “What is it like ‘living under the volcano?”

Colima is a beautiful strato volcano with a dangerous past (and possibly a dangerous future). Not only are there the usual hazards of falling ash and pyroclastic flows, but 4300 years ago about 10 cubic kilometers of Colima volcano collapsed in a huge avalanche! This avalanche extended more than 70 km. from the summit and covered an area that is presently inhabited by more than 200,000 people (including beautiful Colima city). Jim Luhr, Claude Robin, and their co-workers are among the geologists who have studied Colima volcano and its associated hazards.

A beautiful tropical city located in the small state of Colima along Mexico’s Pacific coast, Colima is perfectly situated between mountains and ocean, with cosmopolitan Guadalajara just a 2 hour drive to the north. With a population of 150,000, Colima offers many of the advantages of a big city while maintaining the traditions and hospitality of a small town. In Colima, students can take advantage of year round sunshine and warm weather to visit the beautiful beaches of Manzanillo, stroll through the downtown plazas, and make friends with the local people.I hope that this bit helps. Sincerely, wen

Posted by dan on Junio 06, 2000

Any info sites distinctly dealing with the State of Colima and the two mountains outside of town and info on the surrounding area?
muchas gracias!

Posted by Wayne on Junio 14, 2000

The University of Colima has a wonderful website en español
A page attached to this site has many volcano links

Posted by Joseph on Junio 06, 2000

Published or Updated on: May 4, 2000 by Discussion Thread Forum © 2009
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