Mexican Dried Beef with Eggs: Machaca con Huevos

articles Food & Cuisine Recipes

Karen Hursh Graber

The cattlemen of the north made meat easy to carry on the trail by drying it. Tastier than other versions of beef jerky, the meat is first marinated, then cooked, shredded and dried. It can be served in tacos, burritos and in scrambled eggs. This version of breakfast burritos was taught to me by the cook at a ranch where we stayed in northern Baja. Although there was no electricity to the area, and the generator was on for only three hours a day, the señora prepared excellent dishes using only ingredients that didn’t require refrigeration. Machaca is available in the Hispanic section of large supermarkets or in Mexican grocery stores.


  • 3 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 small white onion
  • 3 serrano or jalapeno chiles
  • 2 cups machaca
  • 6 eggs
  • oil for frying


Chop the tomatoes, onion and chiles and sauté in oil in a large skillet until the onion is soft. Add the machaca and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes. Break and whisk the eggs in a large bowl, add to the machaca mixture and scramble until set.

Serve with flour tortillas and salsa casera- fresh, chopped salsa- for making breakfast burritos.

Serves 4.

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Published or Updated on: January 1, 2006 by Karen Hursh Graber © 2008
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