Artisan Elodia Bernave (L) speaks with Laura de la Vega and her mother Laura Rodríguez of Morelia, at the crafts fair

Mexico’s Morelia: More than meets the eye

Lauded as the most Spanish of Mexican colonial cities, thanks to a century-old historical preservation code requiring all downtown buildings to maintain original facades, Morelia is the most comfortable Mexican city I know. English is widely understood (Michoacan’s leading export is its citizens), European style abounds, but the flavor of colonial Mexico has adapted to […]

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Caldo de Trucha © David Haun, 2015

Traditional Food Festival in Morelia

Run, don’t walk to the next Michoacan Traditional Food Festival (Cocineras Tradicionales) at the Convention Center in Morelia. The entrance is a stairway to heaven and you are about to eat food fit for gods and goddesses. The name “Traditional” only partially describes the Festival because it is traditional woman, in traditional clothing, cooking traditional […]

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Templo de San Jose is a towered church some blocks northeast of the zocalo.

The beautiful colonial city of Morelia, Michoacan – a gallery

Morelia is the capital of Michoacan. The architecture is colonial style and the momentum of civic intent is to promote and preserve this inheritance. The city is organized around a large central square with fountains, trees, a bandstand, and a spectacularly maintained cathedral. There is also a large city park and a zoo. Published or […]

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Mexico’s peace and beauty: Roaming the hills around Morelia

Roberto, one of my Mexican neighbors once asked if he could hike with me. He had heard rumors that I roamed the hills around Morelia. I, of course, said: “Yes.” It is good to have company when you hike – and safer too! Then Roberto said: “What weapons do you carry?” When I answered “Absolutely […]

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Morelia: A land of adventures for children

Morelia is a colonial city, capital of the Mexican state of Michoacan, which is well-known for its majestic buildings, squares (plazas), gardens, an aqueduct of wondrous proportions and all of this represents our Spanish and European heritage. Morelia also has entertainment for children. Some of these places of entertainment are in Morelia and others are within five […]

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