Septic systems

For the average new homebuyer, there is nothing more horrifying than the thought of buying a home with a septic system. This hidden, underground system seems to conjure up thoughts of backyards flooded with human waste or worse; backed up toilets. A septic system is typically comprised of a tank that collects all the “black […]

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Aljibes – underground water cisterns

Last month’s article stirred up some questions from some homeowners that I thought we could address in this month’s issue. Aljibes (underground water cisterns) are a critical link it each homeowners water supply. Whether you have a roof tank ( tinaco) or a water pressure system, the initial quality of the water that finally arrives at your faucet […]

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Moving to Mexico? It’s different. Do your homework

I have determined a list of the best recommendations for any buyer purchasing in a foreign country. What has struck me a few times this past year have been some of the minor last minute conflicts that could have been resolved easily and earlier. Sometimes these conflicts are the result of miscommunications, ignorance or misunderstandings. […]

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