Cacahuamilpa Caverns, Guerrero – Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

articles Travel & Destinations

Rick Meyer

Photo Gallery: Cacahuamilpa Caverns, Guerrero - Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

The Cacahuamilpa Caverns (Grutas de Cacahuamilpa) in the state of Guerrero have attracted curious visitors for several centuries and were the first major cave system in Mexico to be opened up for regular tourism.

In the early days of tourism, the Cacahuamilpa Caverns near Taxco (Guerrero) were a popular place to visit. The English traveler Mrs. Alec Tweedie recalls in Mexico as I saw it how she was deep underground in these caves when a telegram arrived bearing the sad news that Queen Victoria had passed away. (If only postal and telegraph services were that efficient today!)

The Cacahuamilpa Caverns also feature in a short story set in Mexico written by the famous novelist Jules Verne.

Published or Updated on: May 1, 2001 by Rick Meyer © 2001

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