Lois and Kai Hendriksen retired to Veracruz Mexico and opened a burger drive-in. © William B. Kaliher, 2010

Living, Working, Retiring in Mexico – Index Page

Living, working or retiring in Mexico is a dream for people in many parts of the world. For others, it has become a reality. This Resource Page is intended to provide a solid base of practical advice, viewpoints and personal experience. Through articles, resource materials and references, this Resource Section will assist those considering the move, […]

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Life in Mexico: bugs, disease and puppy dog showers

A Woman’s Perspective on Living in Mexico One of my readers asked me to talk about bugs and diseases. These are simply my experiences or observations and they apply to the Chapala/Ajijic lakeside area south of Guadalajara. I’m sure different parts of Mexico have their own unique vermin. I usually have one very loud mosquito […]

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Mexico: a visit to Patzcuaro, Tzintzuntzan, Tequila and Mazatlan

A Woman’s Perspective on Living in Mexico Two of my life-long friends from California have been visiting with me the past two weeks. This is Marcy’s third visit. It’s Nancy’s first. I’m always nervous about first-time visitors. Will they see Mexico the way I do? Can they get past the poverty to see the beauty […]

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Living | See all articles tagged lifestyles perspectives Mexico living: five questions

A Woman’s Perspective on Living in Mexico Let’s start at the beginning. The five most commonly asked questions before I came to Mexico were: Why not stay in California and retire? Won’t you miss your friends and family? Will you be safe? What if there’s a medical emergency? What are you going to do with […]

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