Traditional Food Festival in Morelia
Run, don’t walk to the next Michoacan Traditional Food Festival (Cocineras Tradicionales) at the Convention Center in Morelia. The entrance is a stairway to heaven and you are about to eat food fit for gods and goddesses. The name “Traditional” only partially describes the Festival because it is traditional woman, in traditional clothing, cooking traditional […]

The beautiful colonial city of Morelia, Michoacan – a gallery
Morelia is the capital of Michoacan. The architecture is colonial style and the momentum of civic intent is to promote and preserve this inheritance. The city is organized around a large central square with fountains, trees, a bandstand, and a spectacularly maintained cathedral. There is also a large city park and a zoo. Published or […]
Trip report: Morelia, Michoacan
Posted by Fernando on August 31, 1999 My family spent nine weeks based in Morelia in June-August 1999. This was our third summer in Mexico, with the summers of 1997 and 1998 in Oaxaca and Xalapa, respectively. Planning an extended stay in Morelia using information from Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Moon, Mexico/Central America Handbook, Let’s […]
Mexico’s peace and beauty: Roaming the hills around Morelia
Roberto, one of my Mexican neighbors once asked if he could hike with me. He had heard rumors that I roamed the hills around Morelia. I, of course, said: “Yes.” It is good to have company when you hike – and safer too! Then Roberto said: “What weapons do you carry?” When I answered “Absolutely […]
Morelia: A land of adventures for children
Morelia is a colonial city, capital of the Mexican state of Michoacan, which is well-known for its majestic buildings, squares (plazas), gardens, an aqueduct of wondrous proportions and all of this represents our Spanish and European heritage. Morelia also has entertainment for children. Some of these places of entertainment are in Morelia and others are within five […]

Morelia: Cultural world heritage
The Spanish Virrey Don Antonio de Mendoza founded the city of Morelia back in 1541, calling it “Valladolid” after the city of the same name in Spain. In tribute to the national hero Don Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, leader of the movement for the national independence from the Spanish kingdom, the city was later […]
The colonial cities
Posted by beth elsey on May 23, 1999 We plan to visit Queretero, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende and Morelia next week–would like any tips on charming places to stay (moderate range US50-70) and great places to eat. We will be doing the bus tour so places close enough to walk (less than a mile […]
Personal Views of Easter in Mexico
Semana Santa in Morelia means a vacation at home for me. For one thing, I don’t want to become a statistic by hitting the open road, and for another, I don’t like crowds. But most importantly, I bask in those times when the help are gone and it’s just me and my Doberboys. By Thursday, […]
On To Morelia And Patzcuaro (Mexico Notes 8)
Mexico Notes We get out of town, skipping the tianguis of Ajijic. It was just … time to leave. Journal, June 4, 2003 We pile into the packed car once again. Destination: Pátzcuaro, via Morelia. The drive is cool upon the skin, amidst mountains and water. It is good to move on, I reflect, […]