Maria von Bolschwing

Maria von Bolschwing is curator of the Huichol Art Center. She lives in Mexico and has worked with the Huichols for the last 25 years. Originally a native of South Africa, Maria has lectured on and exhibited ethnic art in Europe, Africa and the United States.

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Maria von Bolschwing

Yarn painting – images of a vanishing culture

The Huichol Indians, whose pre-Hispanic culture still survives in the remote Sierra Madres ranges, live a life woven of magic and sacred mythology. Believing themselves to be that part of creation which entertains the Gods, Huichols are sustained by their earthly representatives – corn, peyote and the deer – thus symbolically renewing their divinity daily. […]

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Huichol religion under siege (again). Part 1

The Huichol Indians of Jalisco and Nayarit have accomplished the almost incredible feat of maintaining their independence and most of their traditional values well into the 21st century. Thanks to the rugged terrain of the Sierra Madre mountains the Huichols were able to escape the brunt of the Spanish invasion. They continue to celebrate their […]

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